People spend an average of 11.2 hours reading and answering emails each week.
Too much time is wasted reading and responding to emails. Many professionals are not only overwhelmed by the size of their inboxes, but worried about emails slipping through the cracks. It is also frustrating when emails do not sync properly across multiple devices. Effective Email Management helps you take control of your inbox, saving your small business time and money.
At Innovatively Organized, our team of productivity consultants work with you to streamline how you process your emails. We train on best practices to prioritize, manage, and archive messages. We ensure you have a solution in place that syncs your accounts across devices, including phones, tablets, and laptops. This allows you to access and organize your inbox on-the-go. Our team recommends various tools, products, and services that will help you manage your email more efficiently. With Email Management, you and your team will spend less time reacting to the inflow of emails and more time growing your business.