The kitchen is probably one of the busiest rooms in the house. It’s used for a variety of things - it’s a gathering place, dining room, meeting space, homework station and a place to cook! Because of this, the kitchen tends to become cluttered faster. Here are some easy tips to keep the kitchen organized and clean:
- Remove anything from your kitchen counters that you do not use on a daily basis.
- Group similar items together in the fridge. For example, place all the beverages on the same shelf, keep all the condiments together and put all leftovers in one area toward the front.
- For quick access, knives, peelers, vegetable brushes and cutting boards should be stored together in a drawer or cabinet near the sink.
- Dedicate a zone in the kitchen for lunch-making. This will encourage you to brown bag it to work and school. Stock it with lunch boxes or small recycled handle bags, sandwich bags, wax paper, a thermos, spare change for the vending machine and small microwaveable containers.
- Move on to gathering all the items that do not belong in the kitchen. Put all these items into a basket. (Important Note: Do not stop working on the kitchen and get distracted by taking these misplaced items to their homes. Instead, if you have a helper, send them off to place items in their proper place or wait until later in the day.)