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It’s date night!  It's holiday party season!  Have you placed a million sticky notes on the kitchen counter for your babysitter?  Did you leave the house worried that you might have forgotten something?  Take a look at our Babysitter Quick Reference form.  You can fill it out with all the important phone numbers and information that your babysitter might need while you are out.  Just print the form out, fill in the information, and tape it to your counter or fridge.  Your babysitter will be able to reference everything quickly, finding important phone numbers in a breeze.

Get organized now with our Babysitter Quick Reference!

And for more Innovatively Organized checklists, visit our page of Organizing Checklists!

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Service: Residential Organizing

This client’s arts and crafts storage space is located in the attic of her home, right next to a fabulous table used for crafting and playing games. The space has two sets of shelves that flank the table. Before, each set of shelves used to house both arts & crafts, along with toys and games. Having the supplies separated this way made it difficult to find the supplies that the kids needed to do crafts. Also, this space seemed to be a landing zone for any item that didn’t have a home.

After clearing out all the items that didn’t belong in this space and moving the games to the other set of shelving, we were left with all the arts & crafts supplies to be housed here. We sorted through these supplies to create categories: painting, clay, drawing, etc. Once we knew what kind of supplies were used, we were able to assign a shelf to each category, laying out the space in a way that made finding what you needed to work on any given project easier and faster.

The result is a storage space that looks like it was meant to be there forever. We chose bins that fit perfectly in the cubbies and coordinated with the rest of the space. The kids can now find whatever art supplies they need exactly when they need them. Imagine how much time they’ll save!

View more Before and After photos on our Facebook Fan Page!

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The holidays are all about planning, arranging, and preparing for events.  But it's not just for your home decorations and personal parties, the holidays require planning in the office as well!  We've created a checklist so your office can stay on task this holiday season, planning work parties, scheduling vacation requests, sending holiday cards, and clearing out clutter for the new year.

Get organized now with our Business Holiday Planning Checklist!

And for more Innovatively Organized checklists, visit our pages of Organizing Checklists and our Holiday Organizing Resources!

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For those of you who love lists, this website is full of checklists and forms to help you stay organized!  Though it comes with a membership fee, you have access to wide array of categories, like business planning, family matters, financial planning, travel planning and home management.  Some of the lists you can print or download for your home include: camping list, afterschool routine, carpool schedule, resolution planner, books to read, website favorites quick list, medications tracker, pantry inventory, budget for kids, and holiday budget planner.  There is a list for everything you need in your busy day-to-day life.  Plus, they update the site with new lists all the time!  The site also provides ePlanners, which come with all the necessary lists for each category.  These ePlanners are great for paper management, too, since it is all stored on your computer.  You can explore sample lists to see how the site works before joining.

You’ll love it for:
•    Going on a trip
•    Planning holidays
•    Recording budgets
•    Recording important contact information
•    Planning meals
•    Organizing finances
•    Giving your kids more responsibility

Cost: 1-year Print Membership $20; 1-year Download Membership $30; 1-year Professional Membership $50; ePlanners $7 each

Available at:

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We know you're exciting to let your clocks "fall back" this Sunday, November 6th.  But did you know there's a lot more you should do during this time of year?  Here's our checklist of things to do during Daylight Savings, to keep you on track!

Get organized now with our Daylight Savings Checklist!

And for more Innovatively Organized checklists, visit our page of Organizing Checklists!

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Happy November!  You know what that means- swap your ghosts and goblins for cornucopias and pumpkin pie!  If you’re hosting the Thanksgiving meal for your family, extended family, or friends, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed.  Regardless of whether it’s your first time making the turkey or your 30th time, the planning leading up to this delicious meal is chaotic.  To help you out, we’ve created a Thanksgiving Checklist, complete with a space for your shopping list!  You won’t forget the cranberry sauce, run out of time to iron your table cloth, or realize you don’t have enough Tupperware for left overs.

Get organized now with our Thanksgiving Checklist!

And for more Innovatively Organized checklists, visit our page of Organizing Checklists!

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If you have little ones, you know that life is constantly moving.  There’s typically not enough time for you, as a parent of a toddler.  For days when you’re running a little behind or have to leave before your child has eaten breakfast, we recommend these 12 oz. cereal-on-the-go containers.  It comes with two compartments- the top stays dry for cereal and the bottom is frozen the night before to keep milk cold.  Not only is it leak-resistant (no messes in the car!), but it comes with a foldable spoon!  

You’ll love it for:
•  Driving into day care in the mornings
•  Road trips
•  Easy snacks on the go, including after sports

Cost: $4.99

Available at: our Amazon store

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Make your to-do list mobile with this helpful app- you’ll never forget the milk again!  You can create and cross-off tasks with ease, including details like due dates, repeating tasks, and locations.  Its ease and convenience will fit perfectly into your hectic schedule.

•  Syncs with all devices, including iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad
•  Accessible online
•  Include time estimates for tasks
•  Add tags to projects and activities

Great for:
•  Quickly adding new tasks
•  Planning tasks based on locations (how many to-do’s are in what neighborhood?)
•  Getting reminders of to-do’s

Cost: Free

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Here’s a great article on how to organize your pantry (you know, that place where extra food is stored and never comes out).  The article begins by explaining reasons for cleaning out your pantry:
1.  Save money (taking inventory of what you already have and what you never use saves your from buying duplicates or unnecessary products)
2.  Realize what type of food you actually use/eat
3.  Understand what should be bought in bulk (if you’ve got a bunch sitting around, you probably aren’t consuming it frequently enough to justify buying in bulk)

The article then dives into how to tackle that pantry.  It suggests taking everything out of your pantry (everything), then cleaning the actual space.  Then go through all of the food and products that you removed so you can assess whether it goes back in.  If the food has expired, toss it.  If it’s still good but something you never use or no longer like, toss it (metaphorically, of course- you could donate it to a local food bank).  

The next step is to group like items (i.e. canned goods, snack food, bottles, spices, boxes).  Once you can see how much of each type of product you own, you can think about storage solutions.  Remember to measure your space before purchasing bins, shelves, and storage units.  

Once everything is back in your pantry, the last component is maintenance.  Find a schedule that works for you- maybe weekly or monthly- to go through, tidy, and de-clutter.  By maintaining an organizing pantry, you will save money, time, and energy in the long-run. 

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This idea will improve your kitchen organizing ten-fold!  When things go into your freezer, do they tend to stay there and slowly get pushed to the back?  Unless it’s ice cream, most things that go into the freezer stay there until you choose to clean your fridge.  By the time you find the food again, you can’t remember the last time you made that mysterious spaghetti sauce!  Martha Stewart created awesome freezer labels which you can print on adhesive paper.  Next time you throw something into the freezer, just mark and label it.  You can also use them for left-overs in the fridge; simply slap one on your Tupperware.

What are your thoughts?