Thought: Clean Off Your Desk for a Fresh Start to 2012
Was it difficult getting back into your work routine after the holidays? Try giving your cubicle a nice facelift; cleaning and organizing your workspace will help you focus on your job and clients. You will save time and increase productivity when no longer distracted by keyboard dust. In honor of National Clean Off Your Desk Day (every second Monday on January), as well as our ongoing Messiest Desk Contest (accepting nominations through this Saturday, January 14!), here’s some help tidying up your workspace.
What you’ll need:
- 10-15 minutes
- Canned air
- Microfiber cloth
- Damp cloth
- Remove everything off of your desk that is not connected or attached.
- Use the canned air to clean dust from your monitor, keyboard and desk surface.
- Turn off your monitor so it’s easier to see marks and wipe it with a microfiber cloth. Be careful not to press too hard to avoid damaging the monitor.
- Use your damp cloth to wipe your phone and desktop clean.
- As you are returning items to your desk:
- Get rid of items you no longer need (non-working pens, broken staplers, old calendars and event flyers, etc.)
- Put items away (paper clips, notepads, books, files, etc.)
- For piles of paper that you cannot go through in the last few minutes of your desk clean-up, set them aside in piles to go through at another time.
Keep that desk clean and nominate s friend, spouse or co-worker for our Messiest Desk Contest today!
UPDATE: Watch our appearance on Mornings with Kaci on Q13 Fox and listen to our segment on 570 KVI to celebrate National Clean Off Your Desk Day.
CHECKLIST: For 9 tips to make your desk an active space, download our checklist.