6 Tips for Working in An Open Office Space
It seems like open space work environments are popping up all over the place! While there are certainly advantages to a collaborative workspace, increased distractions can sometimes lead to a decline in productivity. Here are a few tips that we’ve found helpful as we work with our clients in open spaces:
Set Your Desk Up for Success
Make sure your space is organized and all of your supplies have a home. For more tips about organizing your small desk, check out our past blog post here.
Volume Control
This goes for phones, candy wrappers, and individual voices. An open space certainly doesn’t have to be as quiet as a library, but try to be aware of the noises you’re creating and how they’re affecting the people around you.
Do Not Disturb Sign
If you’re frequently interrupted by coworkers, consider creating a friendly “do not disturb” sign for your desk that informs coworkers when you’re “in the zone” and need to get things done.
What’s that smell?
We all have our favorite foods, but let’s be honest, some are pretty smelly. Think twice before eating something at your desk. You never know who might have an aversion to the smell.
Be Prepared
Think ahead and try to anticipate when you might need to reserve a conference room for a private meeting or phone call. Don’t forget to end your meetings on time and clean the room when you’re finished!
Golden Rule
Treat your desk neighbor as you would like to be treated.
What are some of your favorite tips for working in a open work environment?