12 Days of Productivity: Day 3—Getting Lists Down on Paper

Book Recommendation: Getting Things Done
This very popular book tons of great tips, but our favorite is about emptying your mental to-do list and writing it down.  Once your tasks are out of your head, it’s easier to organize and manage your time and priorities. Recommended by Elizabeth Bowman.

Product Recommendation: Circa Notebooks
The Circa Notebook system is completely customizable, so you can create your own planner and effortlessly reorganize pages.  The books come in a variety of sizes, colors, and textures—great for making your own unique notebook to write your to-do list in.  

Quick Tip: Paper is okay!
Even though many of us live and breathe on our digital devices, it’s still okay to use paper.  Help yourself out by decreasing your mental load and writing your to-do list, thoughts, and projects down on paper.  As long as you are consistent about where you record tasks—whether it be digital or on paper—you will be able to stay more organized.  


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